Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lots of Changes!

Welcome to First grade!  As you know, there have been many changes since Memphis City Schools was incorporated into Shelby County Schools.  As teachers, we are learning to adapt and embrace the changes.  Hopefully, things will run smoothly this year for us all.  Below, you will find some information that may be helpful to you.  If you have any questions, please call me at school at 414-2320, text me after school at 230-1565, email me at, or write me a note.  I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Info To Know:

v  Parents can use ParentConnect to see real data concerning their child(ren).  This includes grades, discipline and attendance.  Parent Connect can also be used for verification for outside agencies.  PreK and KK students will be given their accounts letters by Wednesday.  The other students will be given theirs by parent request.  This online information should be available starting the week of 9/9/13.

v  Parents please note that Oakhaven has an active SART (Student Attendance Review Team) which will enforce rules mandated by SCS. One rule is: SCS only takes 10 hand written letters annually.  All other notes should come from doctors, dentist, etc.  Also note that tardies are reviewed also.  A child is tardy at 9:05AM.

v  Please review the grading policy for our classroom.  It was sent home on 9/5/13.  If you have any 
     questions, please contact me.

v  We will be having snacks in the afternoons since we are in school longer each day now.  If you would like to send a snack for your child, please make sure that they have everything they need to eat the snack.  I do not have a way to heat or refrigerate food in the classroom, nor do I have forks or spoons.

Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.  

Let's have a great year!

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